Why join the club?
Members of CJ Jewels Retailer’s Club receive special monetary incentives and access to our promotion materials and marketing tools that will help increase sales.
How can you become a member?
You can become a part of CJ Jewels Retailer’s Club by establishing a credit account with our company and purchasing our fine diamond jewelry products in excess of US $25,000 annually. You can buy this amount of jewelry from our company over a period of one year.
What perks do club members enjoy?

*Co-opt advertising subject to submitting proofs of advertising invoices.
New Retailer 2020 Promotion
Click here to reserve a time to speak with one of our highly experienced sales partners.
*Promotion applicable only to those who sign up before JCK 2020. We reserve the right to deny benefit to any parties and is based on our sole jurisdiction.
**We reserve the right to use this testimonial in advertising campaigns and press release as we deem suitable for our business.
How do I join the club?
If you wish to join CJ Jewels Retailer’s Club, please get in touch with one of our team members at
New York: (212) 929-6484 Toronto: (416) 614-1066
or drop us a email at customerservice@cjjewelsinternational.com